I have RPG Maker XP. It's awesome.
Currently, I'm making a game for my girlfriend that features gameplay similar to Harvest Moon. It's a lot of work, but it's very fun. And time consuming.
However, while making Harvest Earth (my clever title), I've learned a lot about RPG Maker and feel pretty confident that I could make an in-depth adventure, with side-view turn based battles and cool animations. I found a website with some very cool monsters and stuff. The monsters would be in the style of that monkey you see there.
I have so many ideas that I must share them with whoever is reading this. (Who is reading this?) But not now. Over time.
I suppose the purpose of this blog would be to convey my ideas and such, as well as give updates on the progress of my games. So far, I would say Harvest Earth is 50% complete. I still need to write nearly all of the dialogue (which is a lot) and program getting married (which entails a wedding event, programming who you can marry and children and such. I might want to implement a honeymoon vacation as well, where time stops for a day and you can do whatever you want on this tropical island. Something like that).
Spring Break is long and I might make time to work on it. I've been thinking about it frequently, so expect a post again soon.