Only hello, because I haven't improved much. I switched computers again, and it caused some problems for my game. For some reason it wouldn't open up. Something about the file being "corrupted." I panicked, because I thought I had lost everything. Nearly a year of work, down the drain!
But it turns out I can just create a new project and upload all the data from the "corrupted" game file and it works fine.
So, now that I can set that worry aside, I should address the contest for the title screen. I hope I didn't scare anyone away with complex talk of resolution and specifications. That is just what I'm using right now. I'm still looking for able artists or anyone interested to draw me a pretty picture!
But not that I haven't had anyone interested. So far, Aaron Goodman is winning because of this pretty picture.
Keep in mind, he found this online, which I think is a perfectly acceptable medium. I should stress, I have no expectations and all submissions are welcome. Multiple submissions are welcome as well, and even incomplete thoughts could win.
Basically, impress me.
In regards to the programming of the game, I think i want to rework my cows and sheep. They were the first thing I programmed, back when i had little experience. I can't really explain it, but I can make them better.