Update #2.
To help me stay organized, I'm adding a list of features that I have yet to add. If anyone has any suggestions, they will certainly be considered. Also, I might keep a few features a secret (so they will be a surprise when you encounter them in the game.... hehe).
Things I must add:
- Dialogue (including "friendship values" so that by talking to people, you become better friends with them and the things they say can differ depending on the level of your friendship)
- Marriage (Like I said, my game is gay friendly, so there will be many options of lifestyles. Keep in mind, this means I have a lot more work to do)
- Kids (I'm thinking it should be possible to have more than one)
- Festivals (Yeah, festivals are fun. If anyone has any good suggestions for cool festivals, let me know)
- Cooking (I'm making it so you must build a kitchen, then you can cook different meals)
Things I could add:
- Weather (I'm not sure if I want to make rain and snow happen on some days.... but always sunny is kind of boring and not realistic at all)
- Jobs (There's already a job you can take, but I like that idea a lot, so I might include more. Such as, working for the Town Market by running deliveries and stuff)
- Horse (I know, there's no HORSE YET!? Wtf? But I might not include a horse... I already have a lot to do. Suppose, there's no horse. Would that greatly impact the game? Your thoughts, please...)
This sounds like a lot of things I need to do. Thats because it is. But this also sounds like I haven't done anything yet, which isn't true at all.
Things that are done: (but could also be improved if anyone has any good ideas....)
- Locations (All of the maps are done)
- Time (It was hard, but I programmed a time feature to add day and night.)
- Animals and Crops (The core of any harvest moon game. I've made cows, sheep, chickens and lots of different crops possible. I even made a funeral scene play if your animals die)
- People (Not only have I named everyone, I've assigned everyone to be in specific places on certain days of the week and at certain times. It was a lot of work, but it's done)
- House Extensions (Fireplace, kitchen, basement... etc.)
- Experience Feature (I've made it so you can gain experience by using your tools and level up, increasing your stamina and skill and stuff)
- Music and Sound Effects
- Lots of other little things are done, such as shops, fishing, getting a dog, an opening sequence that lets you name your character, choose a gender, etc. Some things are done that I want to be a surprise, too! ;)